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PJ Closes High Court Judges Training
L-R: Hon. Justice Adonyo (ED-JTI), Hon. Lady Justice Arach (Chairperson -JTI Governing Council), Hon. Justice Kabiito (Chairman -JSC) and Hon. Justice Dr Bawine (PJ) at the closing of the Judges induction

The Principal Judge, Hon.Justice Dr. Yorokamu Bamwine, on Friday May 4, 2018 officially closed the orientation programme for new High Court Judges at the Judicial Training Institute.

All the 23 Judges were issued with certificates of completion for the two-week long induction training.

Hon. Justice Dr. Bamwine emphasized the importance of orientation in the administration of justice. "I believe that no judicial officer should assume office before under going induction if we are to ensure an efficient system of administration ofJustice," he said. 

He said such interactions are necessary because they provide officers with legal developments and the use of information technology to enhance their judicial work.

The Principal Judge said although the Judiciary is facing a number of challenges in the administration of justice including human resource inadequacy, infrastructure, outdated laws and procedures, there must be a change of mindset that will help judges adopt a judge-led adjudicative system where the court and not the parties are incharge.

Hon. Justice Dr Bamwine urged the Judges to embrace the use of Plea Bargaining, Small Claims Procedure and other forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution such as Mediation, to give quick justice to the people.

He warned the participants to desist from vices such as poor time management, corruption,misplacement or loss of files, poor customer care and delayed delivery of judgments which lead to case backlog. "I invite you all to exhibit vigor in tackling backlog. I am optimistic that with this training, you have identified a number of strategies that you will employ in the administration of justice," he said.

He commended theJudicial Training Institute and the Judicial Service Commission for conducting the Judge's induction saying it will help in filling up the void in the judicial system. 

Supreme Court's Hon. LadyJustice Stella Arach Amoko, who doubles as the Chairperson of the JTI Governing Council commended the Judges for their participation. "I have not seen this level of participation anywhere. You are so eager to learn and I guarantee that you will be successful. We shall succeed because we are in this together,"she said.

She called for integrity and team work among the participants. 

The function was attended by the Chairperson of JSC, Hon. Justice Benjamin Kabiito.

Posted 7th, May 2018
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